Saturday 7 February 2015


I wanted to read this book ever since I saw it featured in the local daily.The title caught my attention and the way the queen is poised in the cover against a snowy backdrop was alluring enough to make me read the blurb.When I got to know that it was about Queen Didda,who ruled Kashmir for almost five decades in the early medieval period in Indian history,I was facinated and promptly bought the book.

This book talks about Didda,the beautiful and intelligent princess of Lohara who also happens to be lame.However even though she is despised by her father for being a woman with a handicap,she gains strength from her mother and her maternal grandfather who constantly reassure her that she is destined for greatness.Despite having a cousin who bullies her and makes her miserable she finds allies in two trustworthy aides,who she cherishes as friends.One of them being Valga,a girl who is sent away to Lohara to live with an unloving aunt.Since Valga possesses exceptional physical strength she is soon appointed as a porter-woman for Didda and endears herself to the princess by being at her side at all times.The other unlikely but close friend happens to be a boy ,Naravahana who has been brought to Lohara as a stable-hand.

Very soon,Didda is married off to the ruler of Kashmira,the intemperate Kshemagupta in return for a little land.Didda ,stoically accepts her destiny and soon finds herself amidst a court in a foreign place which is ridden with conspirators.However ,Didda knows that she is destined for greatness and how she manages to turn her destiny, surmounting all odds is what this story is all about.

My Views:Let me be honest,I loathe history and anything that has to do with just plain facts and dates.That was the only reason I was reluctant in picking up this book.However I continued to be drawn towards it and finally decided to give in and read it.It was a wise choice.

The moment I began reading this book,I was instantly transported to a time in my childhood,when I used to listen intently to stories narrated by my grandmother.The simple narrative enthralled me.This story is narrated by Didda and Valga,alternating between these two voices and I found myself strangely drawn towards both the characters,albeit for different reasons.Valga's indecisiveness but unwavering loyalty,her undying friendship,her sacrifice,her possessiveness and Didda ,for her ambition,foresight,bravado,strength of character,resilience and vulnerability.Any story has two view-points and Valga's narration helps us to see what really happened because she was the only one who was in close proximity to Didda.The story moved seamlessly assimilating fact and fiction like a rich tapestry.I could see that it must have definitely not been easy for a woman to hold her own in tenth century Kashmir and I applauded Didda's integrity and single-mindedness when it came to ruling the land.

Didda also has another side to her which is cold,calculating and ruthless but it doesnt take away the good from her character.The way she faces those who antagonise her makes her an extraordinary woman.It is no wonder that she has coins minted in her name.I found myself feeling empathetic towards her.She does know that to gain a lot ,sometimes you lose a lot and accepts that unrepentantly ,all for the greater good,for her land and its people.She behaves like a true ruler who places her subjects before everything else and I think that is commendable.

However a lot is packed in one small book.It was not possible to effectively encapsulate treachery,revenge,power-play and deceit spanning a few decades in just around 200 pages but the book managed to make us realise the extent of it all.

My only grouse was that such a fine book could do with a bit more attention to editing.

The story was engaging and History for once,didnt feel like History.

I rate it a 4 out of 5.

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