Sunday 6 April 2014


Title: Eat Pray Love

Author: Elizabeth Gilbert

Price:Rs 350

Whenever a book is made into a movie,the cardinal rule is always to read the book first and watch the movie later.However this time,I wavered and went ahead with the movie.I did not like it a single bit.I was so disillusioned by it that I did not pick this book up for the longest time.

I had decided against reading it when fate intervened ;) and I got a free copy of the book.So I decided to go ahead and read is a fairly good read.This story is Elizabeth Gilbert's memoir in which she speaks about her life and the circumstances which lead her to different places .She is going through a bad divorce and decides to heal herself by taking a year off and doing the things she always wanted to do.So she embarks on a new journey which takes her to Italy to learn the language and eat her favorite food.Then on to India where she is in search of spirituality and inner peace and finally to Bali where she discovers what love is all about.

It is a simple story and I could relate to some parts of it.It strikes a chord,because this could happen to anyone and it just shows us how Gilbert deals with it.It is not easy for everyone to take a year off and do exactly what one wants.She is lucky,she gets to do that.The hidden message however is to follow your heart.You do not need exotic chants to discover the meaning of spirituality,you just need to find that inner peace. Sometimes it is just better to let go, than to hold on to something you think makes you happy.There might be something way better in store.Some parts I could not come to terms with but I could understand that ,as I do not come from the same culture that she does.All said and done,it was way better than the movie.

I would recommend it to someone who is looking for a light read.

I would say,always read the book first before watching the movie.

I rate it a 3 out of 5.

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